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Yoga therapy is treating person who has illness. Main approach is first to regain psicho-physical health and then acieving Selfrealization.
Ancient texts of yoga speak more of prevention and not about treating specific illness (yoga therapy). They describe the influence of asanas on a healthy person. Yoga therapy is a relatively new science, basically promoted by the teachings of Sri T. Krishnamacharya. For a practical implementation of yoga therapy, a person has to have a good knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, and kinesiology of the human body. Also, a sound knowledge of different yoga asanas and their modifications is necessary. In the practical application of Yoga therapy, we must first see which kind of the movement gives relief to the problem and then see which yoga asana the person can do comfortably, while breathing naturally, so that it can restore the flow of prana in the body. In yoga therapy healing comes from prana. We find the basic concept of yoga therapy (yoga cikitsa) in the Maharishi Patanjali Yoga Sutras and in Ayurveda.
"Those obstacles that distract the mind are disease, fatigue, doubt, carelessness, laziness, attachment, confused understanding, failure to achieve samadhi and failure to maintain samadhi". Y.S.I.30
"These distractions are accompanied by pain, depression, restlessness and coarse breathing". Y.S.I.31
Yoga cikitsa is a remedial tradition, founded on the recognition that our physical condition, emotional states, attitudes, dietary and behavioral patterns, lifestyle and personal associations, and the environment in which we live and work, are all intimately linked to each other and also linked to the state of our health. According to Yoga, we are under the constant influence of our subconscious urges (kleshas) and live within a framework of constant change (parinama). Within this framework and under the influence of the kleshas, we develop conditioned patterns (samskaras) that are present in every dimension of our lives and that influence our perceptions, thoughts, attitudes, behavior and state of health at every level. We may heal the body through some medical or alternate healing modality, but unless there is transformation at the level of our deep patterns (kleshas and samskaras), we may end up re-creating the same or similar conditions again and again.
Yoga therapy is the art and science of tapping the resources deep within us to heal ourselves. The allopathic physician's orientation is to treat the disease; the Yogic orientation is to treat the person. Diseases are symptoms of imbalance and the orientation of yoga therapy is to restore balance. The main goal of yoga is to develop higher states of consciousness which will naturally be reflected in the healthy functioning of our body and the establishment of perfect health. That is why in yoga therapy we first look at who the person is and the person's state of mind.
Courses on yoga therapy:
Course on diagnosis - assessing flexibility, alignment, strength, and function of the body and the state of mind Course on pulse diagnosis
Course on asana and pranayama for structural and functional problems
Course on yoga therapy for the low back, sacrum and hips
Course on yoga therapy for the uper back, neck and shoulders
Course on yoga therapy for arthritis, osteoporosis, hemiplegia
Course on yoga therapy for obesity, diabetes mellitus
Course on yoga therapy for irritable bowel syndrome and other problems of digestive system
Course on yoga therapy for menopausal syndrome and problems with menstruation
Course on yoga therapy for general debility, depression, anxiety disorders,
Course on yoga therapy for hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke and paralysis
Course on yoga therapy for migraine, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease
Course on yoga therapy for alcohol and drug dependence
Course on yoga therapy for sinusitis and bronchial asthma
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