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Mudra - Expansion of bliss and power of life energie in certan psicho-physical centers is mudra.


Mudra is a movement or posture that connects energy points to complete a circuit.

Mudra is a movement or posture that connects energy points to complete a circuit. It facilitates the flow of prana (life force) and creates certain energy configurations which intensify the energy movement that is already created by the posture and the breathing. The vital energy is then able to circulate to areas that were previously out of reach. On the physical and energy planes, mudra represents a gesture of the fingers, the hands, the neck and throat, the oral cavity and its organs, the anal cavity or the entire body, helping to create a particular pranic circuit, during the practice of asanas or pranayamas. In general, mudras are performed in order to close body apertures and to contain the flow of energy in proper channels. Mudras can be formed by different parts of the body: hands, eyes, tongue, etc.
Courses on mudras:
Course on mudras mentioned in Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Course on hand mudras

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