Asana - position in which you experience psycho-physical stability and pleasetnes is called asana.
We should understand the real meaning of the word asana. Asana means position and not exercise. Asana is a comfortable, stable, and immoveable position. Simply practicing different Yoga positions as part of an exercise routine is called "vyayam". Vyayam is the dynamic practice of Yoga postures without holding a position for some time. This is not considered Yoga asana! Vyayam is necessary so that asana can be stable and comfortable. Vyayam is necessary to prepare the body to feel comfortable and stable in asana. Also, according to the Yoga sutras, asana is only a state and not a process. The term asana in the Yoga sutras doesn't mean the same as asana found in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika or the Gheranda Samhita. The practice of asanas as a process is meant to achieve the state of asana.
The yoga asana exercise program should include asanas which will increase: joint range, muscle strength, muscular endurance, muscle stretching and flexibility, respiratory and cardiovascular functioning, neuromuscular efficiency, coordination, alignment, balance, ability to perform functional activities, peace of mind, removing of impurities from the system.
Courses on asana:
Course on biomechanics of asanas and their classification
Course on the main principles of the correct practice of asanas: Training into principles and practicing them in asanas
Course on Yoga asana – Basic Sequence
Course on Yoga asana – Sequence No.1
Course on Yoga asana – Sequence No.1 – short version
Course on Yoga asana – Sequence No.1 – extended version
Course on Yoga asana – Sequence No.2
Course on Yoga asana – Sequence No.2 – short version
Course on Yoga asana – Sequence No.2 – extended version
Course on Yoga asana – Sequence No.3
Course on personalizing the practice of asanas
All courses can be weekend or one week course. Course participants should fill up online application before the course so that individual approach can be designed.